Psychological Services

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Austin


I’m an experienced psychotherapist in Austin, TX and a Level 2 iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation teacher. I believe wholeheartedly in the life-changing powers of meditation, and I love introducing my therapy clients to a specific type of meditation called iRest Yoga Nidra (“iRest” is short for Integrative Restoration and “nidra” translates to sleep).

The iRest meditation protocol brings ancient philosophical teachings to a modern, Western audience. It was created by a psychologist named Dr. Richard Miller and has been scientifically studied and empirically validated in settings all over the United States, including college campuses, VA medical centers, and military hospitals. The research findings are overwhelmingly positive and suggest this type of meditation can have profoundly healing effects! It is perfect for people seeking to overcome anxiety, depression, or self-esteem related issues. With continued practice, these techniques can foster a feeling of ease, freedom, and wholeness.

Benefits of iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation:

  • Reduced mental, emotional, and physical suffering

  • Reduced stress

  • Greater sense of wellbeing

  • Deep relaxation

  • Better sleep

  • Increased body awareness

  • Increased mindfulness skills

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation can also help you develop:

  • Your life’s purpose, mission, or calling

  • An inner resource to access when times are tough

  • An ability to live with intention

  • An ability to make changes in line with your highest self


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I’ve tried to meditate, but I’m really bad at it. I can’t stop my thoughts. Will this help me stop my thoughts?

A: I hear this all the time when I recommend meditation to my friends in Austin and my counseling clients. As it turns out, meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. It’s perfectly okay that you’re having lots of thoughts. That’s normal and just means your mind is doing what it’s supposed to do. In the practice of iRest Yoga Nidra, we learn to let go of the thinking mind and rest in our essential nature – the unchanging awareness that holds all of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. You may even come to welcome your thoughts as messengers that help you on this path to greater ease and wellbeing.

Q: I’m not very flexible, and the word “yoga” scares me. Are you gonna twist me into a pretzel?

A: Nope, not at all. This type of yoga involves no physical movement. You don’t need to be flexible or wear yoga clothes. In fact, this type of yoga might even increase your (mental) flexibility!

Q: I went through some awful things in the past and because of that doctors have told me I have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Is this treatment right for me?

A: Yes! The iRest Yoga Nidra approach is trauma sensitive. It was carefully designed for people who have witnessed or experienced traumatic events. iRest is being taught all over the country to help people like you feel calm, safe, and in control. I describe it as medicine for your nervous system.

Researchers have looked at how iRest meditation can help many kinds of people with histories of trauma, including combat veterans, active duty service members, survivors of intimate partner violence, and homeless shelter residents. Research shows it helps trauma survivors sleep better, feel better, and cope effectively with intrusive thoughts, emotions, and memories. This meditation practice also promotes resilience, self-regulation, and empowerment in trauma survivors.


Meditation Resources:

Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us

  • Justin Michael Williams presents a super engaging, beautifully illustrated guide to meditation for real people (i.e. people with busy lives and actual problems who have been ignored, hurt, or shamed by mostly White, upper class meditation communities). This is my all time favorite book on meditation, and I recommend it to EVERYONE!

10% Happier

  • Journalist Dan Harris became famous for having a panic attack on live tv. With a healthy (almost annoying!) amount of skepticism, he begins investigating meditation and new age spirituality - learning from the most well known teachers and gurus of our time. In this candid memoir, he details every inspiring win and hilarious fail.


Available for one-on-one meditation sessions

Ease your body, rest your mind, and experience your innate capacity to heal.

I’m available for one-on-one, private sessions. I offer a unique combination of talk therapy and yoga nidra. You can start your meditation journey with the support and expertise of a trained psychotherapist!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Still on the fence?

Here are testimonials from real students!

“It was soooo nice! I never take time to relax like that in the middle of the day! Your voice is so soothing.”

“I suffer from severe anxiety. I was recommended Tracy’s meditation from my best friend. I went in open-minded and hopeful that it would help. I was not disappointed! In fact Tracy surpassed any expectations I had. It wasn’t a change that I realized immediately, but after a day went by I noticed my anxiety had diminished. To the point that I was like ‘ummm shouldn’t I be panicking right now? I am definitely due for a panic session.’ I have since spread the word to others in my life that I know also suffer from anxiety. Thank you Tracy for sharing your gifts with the world!”

“It was pure bliss!”