Let's Walk Together!

Announcing Walk And Talk Therapy!

Over the past few months, I have been preparing to re-launch my solo therapy practice, Vibrant Counseling PLLC. While I'm grateful for my time with Presence Wellness, I was hearing the call to work for myself again and couldn't put off my dreams any longer. I have to say it feels wonderful to be back on my own! I truly enjoy the freedom and flexibility of running my own business.

As part of my triumphant return to solo practice, I made the executive decision to give up my physical office. Whoa! Y'all know how much pride I take in cultivating a peaceful space for you. And let's be real, I was quite attached to that green couch and all of my cute décor! BUT the world of work is clearly shifting (thanks in large part to the pandemic). I realized that offering therapy in a conventional office setting just wasn't me anymore. Don't worry! I'm still offering online sessions for those of you who adore the ease and convenience of meeting with me over video. But here's the exciting part folks: I am now offering walk and talk therapy!

Walk and talk therapy combines everything we wish we could make time for into an all-in-one experience! Supercharge your well-being with a magical trio of physical movement, serene natural landscapes, and good ol' therapy.

"Sounds great, Tracy, but what exactly is walk and talk therapy?"

I'm so glad you asked. Walk and talk therapy is a counseling session that takes place in the outdoors. From a random bystander's perspective, it looks like you're on a casual stroll with a friend. From your perspective, you're receiving emotional support and processing the ups and downs of your life with a licensed professional. I like to say walk and talk therapy is a practice of moving forward - you are literally moving forward in space but also moving forward in terms of progress and self-growth.

Benefits of Walk and Talk Therapy

Some folks experience discomfort meeting with their counselor in a traditional therapy office. Waiting rooms often feel stuffy and absurdly quiet. Moreover, the enclosed space can feel a bit suffocating and anxiety-provoking to many clients. To me, the conventional approach of conducting therapy behind closed doors contributes to the stigma of seeing a therapist. It makes it seem like an activity that should be hidden from society rather than celebrated. I’m ready to move therapy from the shadows into the light! Walk and talk therapy removes the stigma of seeing a therapist and for some, removes the discomfort associated with a stale, clichéd office setting.

Walk and talk therapy may make it easier for you to open up! There is less direct eye contact, which can decrease anxiety and help you feel more comfortable. In addition, people seem to have more willingness to be vulnerable when they are moving. Combining gentle movement with a gorgeous natural setting and reduced eye contact helps many of us feel at ease and willing to share more.

Another benefit comes from the "feel good" hormones released from movement called endorphins. Endorphins help us feel better and are a natural way to boost our mood. This is especially helpful for anyone experiencing grief, depression, or anxiety.

An Alternative to Teletherapy

A walk and talk session requires you to leave the house and get outside. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, and feeling the sun's warmth are natural steps toward combating pandemic isolation. Sufficient vitamin D is essential for your mental and physical well-being. Exposure to sunlight accounts for over 90% of the vitamin D requirement for most individuals. In addition, research repeatedly shows that vitamin D plays a role in regulating mood and depression. With walk and talk therapy, you're combining the benefits of natural vitamin D exposure, fresh air, and movement, which contribute to positive improvements in your overall health. Something we unfortunately can't get through a screen.

What Do I Need For A Walk And Talk Therapy Session?

Please dress in a way that allows you to move comfortably. Look, I love high heels for a night out, but they may not be the best choice for this activity. You may bring your own water bottle, or I am happy to offer you a flavored sparkling water for our walk. In case of inclement weather, I will reach out to you the morning of our appointment and we will decide on an alternative plan together.

If you're ready to give walk and talk therapy a try, simply complete this form to book an appointment!

From my heart to yours,